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Akshay Prasad, 18 Years Old With Intellectual & Developmental Disability, Joined Prevocational Training In 2019 At Seva-in-Action.

Akshay Prasad, 18 years old with Intellectual & Developmental Disability, joined prevocational training in 2019 at Seva-in-Action. Initially he used to scream and cry for hours together by connecting earlier incidents. We were used to talk with him and tried to divert his mind into different activities like arranging the things, folding the clothes, helping others, meeting the friends, reading & writing, play, music and dance, etc.

We found his interest in fine motor skills. He started to solve the puzzles, sums, started to read & write words & small sentences. We started to teaching woolen mat with frame. He showed his interest & amazingly he learnt this fine motor skill very fast. Slowly he reduced his crying and we converted the energy into activity. We trained the parents to continue this activity at home also.

Akshay started helping his mother’s tailor work. He folds the stitched clothes and packs those in particular covers and arranges. He prepares tea for his mother and himself too. Akshay helps his mother in household works. In pandemic time also he does all these work at home & parents are following very well. Hence we will train Akshay Prasad further to reach next level from pre-vocational to skill development training.

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