Deepak from Ramanagar 50 kms away from Bengaluru, who is person with Cerebral Palsy and graduate. He studied throughout in regular schools facing lot of challenges but still pestering his mother to put him in regular schools only. He got Seva-in-Action’s Ramanagara Samvardhana Resource Centre’s support throughout & his mother (single parent) is very supportive throughout his study. Seva-in-Action supported him to overcome the barriers and challenges he had to face in his life. After completing his B.Com graduation in Government College, passed with First Class. He started working in the auditor’s Office in his home town Ramanagar for two months. But he had to quit that post because he was not given equal opportunity to work in the office like others and they were paying him salary without taking any work from him. He did not like this attitude of the staff showing sympathy because of his disability and not respecting his potential. Now he is having his own office (self-employed) in Ramnagar making pass ports, pan cards, booking bus tickets, doing account work for different business people. Deepak found livelihood and also he gave employment opportunity to work for two women in his office. Currently he is a State level Treasurer of Self-Advocates Forum of India (SAFI). He travelled independently along with SiA team for SAFI convention meeting in different states of India. |